Our Story
We thought we were just buying a few chickens for those delicious eggs at breakfast, but isn’t that how some journeys begin? A simple idea that grows with the number of people and interests involved. It may have been inevitable. After constructing comfortable lodging for animals and other living things: five coops, two outbuildings, a run-in, a greenhouse, a barn, a pond, a bog and soooo much fencing…
We are ready to share the farm and what we learned along the way with those of you who are interested in agricultural education, nature and art experiences, or small scale farming.
Our two male goats, Nile and Tarik, supervising the tractor.
Allie cradling a baby chick.
Our mini, Tuck, in his winter coat.
Abby and two sets of twins resting in the sun.
Our badger faced Finnsheep—Luna.
One of our rams, Duke.